She will graduate from the University of Connecticut in December of 2021. The Horns are mic'ed but do not go into the reinforcement part of the PA, it is only for recording and other ante rooms. Intro to Environmental Studies EVST 1000E Intro to Environmental Studies EVST 3110 Brownfield Redevelopment GEOG 2300 Intro to Physical Geography GSCI 1000E The Human Epoch: Anthropocene GSCI 2310E Creating Sustain Natl Parks HIST 2222E Global Environmental History JOUR 3046E Environmental Journalism NRE 1000E Environmental Science SPSS 2100E Env Sus Food Prod in Dev Count Download this EVST 1000 study guide to get exam ready in less time! Study guide uploaded on Nov 30, 2017. The highlight: a TON of field trips, all free.

Research and experimental work is carried on through the Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station.

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