To improve performance, to the "Specify the settings for this program:" section, click Power management mode, and select Prefer maximum performance and confirm.In the "Select the preferred graphics processor for this program" option, open the drop-down menu and select High-performance NVIDIA processor and confirm.Select the executable file for the game ( Fallout.exe).This will most likely be C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Fallout4. From the pop-up window, navigate to the folder where Fallout 4 is installed.

You can force your system to recognize your video card by following the instructions below: This can be an issue with laptops or other unique systems, and most often occurs when a machine has two graphics cards. Force the System to Recognize Primary GPUīlack screens may occur if your computer does not recognize the video card required to play Fallout 4. From there, find the Mod you wish to delete in your Library, select it, and use the Delete option. To delete a Mod, open Fallout 4 and select Mods from the main menu. From there, find the Mod you wish to uninstall in your Library, select it, and use the Disable option.

To disable a Mod, open Fallout 4 and select Mods from the main menu. We recommend disabling or removing any installed mods and trying again.

Remove ModsĬustom mods can in some cases cause in-game performance issues. Note: We recommend you manually download the latest drivers from the above sites and ensure your previous drivers are fully deleted before updating. You can find drivers for supported video cards here: Whichever drive you do install it on, you should ensure the Steam game client is installed on that drive as well. For the best gameplay experience, we recommend installing the game on your your primary drive, typically the C drive.